Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Soldier On

I've decided to plan monthly and leave the yearly goals to all the go-getters. Though, I do hope to be more patient, read scriptures often, run routinely, and read about babies with Jared (you never know).
-Send out Thank You Cards
-Eat at 1 New Restaurant
-Finish Matthew (only 54 pages...totally doable)
-Learn to Say a Prayer in Spanish (Jared and I now attend the Spanish branch twice a month for his calling)
-Visit the Beach
-Go on 2 Great Hikes
-Finish Into Thin Air...I'm almost done




  1. mackenzie! i'd love to help you out with the eat at 1 new restaurant bit if you're game. text/email me. let's find a time to get together. xoxo

  2. i love that you are blogging. this is almost as good as that phone call we're going to have some day. and these are some pretty solid goals. thank you notes are a hurdle, although a pleasant reminder of how much you are loved. now i want to read matthew...i was thinking about reading the bible one of these days. ps. into thin air is my favorite book, no question. xoxo
