Sunday, July 19, 2009


Laurel Ulrich, author of "Good Wives", has given me insight and moderate enlightenment into a realm that is underdeveloped, but has potential for increased exposure. Though ambiguous, the last sentence should strike a chord of intrigue: Ulrich writes about the lives of women from 1650-1750. Why? Although one might view lives of homemaking, Indian scalping, and assuming the role of deputy husband mundane, the truth of the matter is, the women in the 17th and 18th century shaped society and assumed power when necessary. This book is great. My favorite quote would have to be from the section entitled "Eve." Anne Bradstreet; child bearer, wife, economic consultant, butcher, neighbor, poet :

Here sits our Grandame in retired place,
And in her lap, her bloody Cain new born,
The weeping Imp oft looks her in the face,
Bewails his unknown hap, and fate forlorn;
His mother sighs, to think of paradise.
And how she lost her bliss, to be more wise.

This simply states the condition of Eve after she left the Garden of Eden, how she sacrificed the lower law to obey the higher. Reality of the average is much more unique than one thought.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Party

[audio The Party.mp3]

Birthday. Celebration. Work. Wedding.
My favorite outfit of the summer is this little yellow number from H&M, so cute.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Free of Charge

[audio Carousel.mp3]

Twilight Concert Series 2009: Iron and Wine