Thursday, May 27, 2010

No Parallels

[audio Boat Behind.mp3]

Cool and breezy, nothing like the May of last.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


[audio Long Gone.mp3]

I'm in love with two things, 1) this new album...
...2) a 6th grader.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Soften in the Spotlight

[audio Janglin.mp3]

I live in a beautiful place.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

best album of the year...

[audio Unbearable Why.mp3] far at least

Double Take

[audio Blue Ridge Mountains.mp3]

A climb to the top.

Who would ever guess?

I stumbled upon one of the greatest articles to date while flying home from San Diego. Behind the Southwest information and the emergency directions was Spirit Magazine. From the bold cover of a bear and Mr. Rowe spotted with honey bees I decided it was worth a moment of my time. After coming across said article, entitled "Dream Job," I dived in not expecting much, however, a sudden manifestation materialized across the page:

Spirit: Your mission statement declares we’ve “demonized dirt” and made “work” a dirty word. How do we make up for it?

Mike Rowe: I'm no expert, but my theory is that these changes happened very, very slowly and on a lot of different fronts. How we got to the point where the idea of getting dirty and working hard felt like a sucker's bet, that's part Madison Avenue, part Silicon Valley, part pop culture, part American Idol - an amalgam of reward mechanisms that celebrate the exact opposite thing of actual hard work.

My conclusion: I need some hard labor to perform.