Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rivers and Roads

Long weekends warrant great fun at length: from goats to corn dogs to sleeping under trees to hot springs to Ghiradelli ice cream. The California 1 always knows how to show you a good time, bless that scenic highway.

Harley Farms Goat Dairy: exceptional cheese, exceptional I say! (Try the chili oil too.)



Pie Ranch: best strawberry tartlets and walnut pie.


Santa Cruz Boardwalk: my corn dog for the year has been consumed.


Nascimiento-Fergusson "camping," Ventana Wilderness: "This?" was where we stayed.


Sykes Camp and Hot Springs, Los Padres National Forest: 10 miles in, 10 miles out, naked hippies, and sore hips.



Carmel and Monterey: sleeping beach, antiques, and ice cream, a good ending.


Lessons learned: you can pack a lot into three days and Jared and I can totally handle a back-packing trip together.

Listening to Head and the Heart
Whenever you can eat at Redwood Grill
Make reservations prior to leaving the house (still haven't learned this) and stay at Kirk Creek
Pescadero is amazing and visit Duarte's Tavern for Olallieberry pie and jam
Sit in the very back of the Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz - it kind of feels like you're going to fly off...in a good way(?)
Oh, to live in Big Sur
In memory of...

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Manly-Man


I think you're cute when you call me "dude" because you're really excited about something (like gear or mountains). I appreciate you carrying my back-pack for five minutes while I pouted about being hungry and tired. I'm glad you're older and (sometimes) teach me how to be an adult. I'm grateful that you're more patient than me and you like to keep things in perfect condition. I love that you think Glee is our thing and you watch every episode with me. I think it's amazing that you can stand cold conditions and you've climbed the Palisades, and Shasta, and Whitney and.....

I love you a lot and think you're a hunk.

Photo: It was extremely hot and we just came back from the beach. He doesn't normally ride in the car without a shirt, although he wishes he could.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's been 18 days...

...and this morning Jared and I just discovered downtown, main street Sunnyvale. One must shout, "Eureka!"

Photo: Schill

Sunday, May 20, 2012

For the Love of Birthdays: Meg

I hope you know that I remembered your birthday on Sunday, but due to distance I only have a measly blog post shout-out to give to you - I wish it were molasses cookies and Anthropologie dishes.

A good birthday needs three things...

ONE: Cake!

TWO: Balloons!

THREE: Self-Indulgence

I hope you had a great day!

...Oh, and for the little ones [click here] so cute...

Photos: Cakery, Belle and Bunty, NYTimes

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The answer is...of course!

One year ago Jared proposed to me at the top of Mt. Diablo. I still can't believe we're married sometimes and everyday I am so happy he asked. For our one year engagement anniversary we bought a couch from Ikea and later that night ate at Casa de Cobre in Saratoga. I had a great time and wore a great outfit (I have a wonderful mother-in-law) - it was perfect.

P.S. I loved being engaged. Your worries are solely on wedding things and you're happy and crying almost all of the time (right, Carol?). Here are some of my favorite engagement pictures that inspired me:

In the spirit of romance (and using this blog as a pseudo-journal) I hereby unleash my entry describing the day he proposed:

"Thursday, May 19: He took me up to Mt. Diablo and we had a picnic. It was around 6pm and the sun was drifting slowly so there was still light, but we could count on a sunset. He prepared everything; fruit salad, sandwich materials, potato salad, and water. He wore his salmon shirt, “nice pants,” and brown, secretly polished shoes. I had a busy day at work and barely thought about our picnic. I thought that morning that Mt. Diablo was a great place for a picnic and I better wear something work/picnic appropriate. I chose the blue, polka dot dress and black sweater. He picked me up from work, I ranted about the intern and my boss and finding a billion homestays for Chinese students. He pulled into the gas station, I paid, then complained about gas prices. We swerved through traffic and made the casual drive up the mountain only almost hitting about fifty bikers. A day pass was bought (he pretends to be rebellious and law breaking, but he’s pretty honest). We parked, walked along the path with  a Trader Joes bag  full of preparations and me carrying the puffy black and tan blanket. It was a bit windy and doing my bangs that day was pointless. We laid out the blanket, the spread, and our bodies – everything was lit gold by the sun. Eating, kissing, looking at the horizon and the hills, commenting about our day, etc.

He had a funny look.
“What’s up?”
The Speech.
He pulled a box out of his pocket.
I looked away.
“Mackenzie, look down.”
I couldn’t. I did. “Holy crap.” Look away. I hugged him.
He opened the box.
Words. “Will you marry me?”
Silence, Tears. Shortness of breath that sounds like breathy laughter. I hugged him. “Of course!”
More hugging.
He puts it on my finger.
I’m not even shaking or nervous. Surprised, definitely surprised.
I thought the ring was perfect. Yellow gold, small diamond, not gaudy, simply perfect.

I can’t believe we’re getting married. He told his parents the next day, but I thought I would wait till Saturday when I would see my mom at the temple for Dolly’s wedding. No one knew and it was our secret for all of Thursday.

Jared and I are engaged. I love him. I adore him. He is mine and I am his forever and eternal."

Photos: Nouveau, 100LayerCake

Friday, May 18, 2012


For the past while I worked and sometimes over worked. Then I visited and visited some more. Now I'm home and finally taking the time to explore, set up the nest, and find out what I really enjoy. The last day or so has been full of reading, cooking, interneting(?), and remembering that I used to be really into stuff, like:

Fruit Bats: what a great way to start any morning.
Anything about yearning for love in the most beautiful places: The Enchanted April.
Wildfox: If I had endless money and summer days and deep swimming pools.
NpR.oRg/MuSiC!: All Songs Considered, First Listen Series, Tiny Desk Concert
Minimalist Sewing Ideas: kids clothes are easy, right Kate?
One word: Brunch
Cookies are my favorite: Bettie gets me!
Surfing: love anything Google, Bali anyone?, my dream job with CFR, seriously amazing show, more music, and keeping up with Korea.

Productivity can wait till Monday.

Photo: Dress, Design, Decor (Daniella Marie)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Post: "Vacation"

Perhaps you're thinking, "Gee, Utah sounds like a nice get-away," or you're thinking of replacing Utah with, say, Mexico, Hawaii,or Jamaica. Oddly for me, Utah is like a trip back to the old family cabin where, again, oddly, I have a lot of friends and family still residing. It's hard to look at the Wasatch Range or drive through the neighborhoods of South campus without wanting to give up your Bay Area life and move back to the pleasantry of Provo. I would ramble more, but Stephanie Nielson said it best (starting with "I miss...")(Mom? Are you smiling 'cause you know now that I'm reading Heaven is Here? Well, you should). Long story, relatively, short, sometimes I miss Utah and its nostalgic presence - the people are friendly, you can ride your bike in Provo at 3am, and good home cooking is available from Logan to St. George. I'm so happy I was able to visit...

My first car rental (why is it a million dollars more if I'm under 25?!); and a sleepover with Chloe.



Water fun in the hot, Lehi sun; BC/DC love forever; and indulging.





Dinner with the best roommates I ever had the pleasure of sharing a bathroom with.


Farewell to my raggamuffin nieces and Baby Momma; hello Lauren and Communal.




The Y!; hot new heels; and a Bridal Veil Falls tradition.




Fate throwing me a bone: Jen; introduction to baby; Mothers Day dinner with Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes.



City Creek with the girls; back home to the Bay.


Oh, it was wonderful seeing everyone. We should do this again.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Part III: Sunnyvale

Our new apartment is more than we could ever imagine. Take a look!


Come and visit when you can!