Friday, March 30, 2012

...and then it happened.


  1. I'm feeling so many things right now!! Mostly I'm excited for you guys. But I'm sad you're leaving :( Berkeley won't be the same without you two. When are you moving?

  2. Aw, thanks Meg. We're thinking of a farewell dinner at Pizzaiolo - I'll keep you updated.

  3. wth??!!? (just kidding...) but thank goodness for your blog! i just google mapped that shiz. my mind is racing with questions, i feel so dramatic. let's embrace this: what about your job?? how am i supposed to mail you a letter?! i just barely got your address, adeline lady! (btw, your letter was a stroke a genius that i have never seen replicated...feelin' the love......) God bless you and your little family.
