Harley Farms Goat Dairy: exceptional cheese, exceptional I say! (Try the chili oil too.)
Pie Ranch: best strawberry tartlets and walnut pie.
Santa Cruz Boardwalk: my corn dog for the year has been consumed.
Nascimiento-Fergusson "camping," Ventana Wilderness: "This?" was where we stayed.
Sykes Camp and Hot Springs, Los Padres National Forest: 10 miles in, 10 miles out, naked hippies, and sore hips.
Carmel and Monterey: sleeping beach, antiques, and ice cream, a good ending.
Lessons learned: you can pack a lot into three days and Jared and I can totally handle a back-packing trip together.
Listening to Head and the Heart
Whenever you can eat at Redwood Grill
Make reservations prior to leaving the house (still haven't learned this) and stay at Kirk Creek
Pescadero is amazing and visit Duarte's Tavern for Olallieberry pie and jam
Sit in the very back of the Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz - it kind of feels like you're going to fly off...in a good way(?)
Oh, to live in Big Sur
In memory of...
Holy cow!!!! You guys did a weeks work of stuff in just 3 days! The Woods are awesome. We miss you guys.