Perhaps you're thinking, "Gee, Utah sounds like a nice get-away," or you're thinking of replacing Utah with, say, Mexico, Hawaii,or Jamaica. Oddly for me, Utah is like a trip back to the old family cabin where, again, oddly, I have a lot of friends and family still residing. It's hard to look at the Wasatch Range or drive through the neighborhoods of South campus without wanting to give up your Bay Area life and move back to the pleasantry of Provo. I would ramble more, but Stephanie Nielson said it best (starting with "I miss...")(Mom? Are you smiling 'cause you know now that I'm reading Heaven is Here? Well, you should). Long story, relatively, short, sometimes I miss Utah and its nostalgic presence - the people are friendly, you can ride your bike in Provo at 3am, and good home cooking is available from Logan to St. George. I'm so happy I was able to visit...
My first car rental (why is it a million dollars more if I'm under 25?!); and a sleepover with Chloe.
Water fun in the hot, Lehi sun; BC/DC love forever; and indulging.
Dinner with the best roommates I ever had the pleasure of sharing a bathroom with.
Farewell to my raggamuffin nieces and Baby Momma; hello Lauren and Communal.
The Y!; hot new heels; and a Bridal Veil Falls tradition.
Fate throwing me a bone: Jen; introduction to baby; Mothers Day dinner with Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes.
City Creek with the girls; back home to the Bay.
Oh, it was wonderful seeing everyone. We should do this again.
Oh I'm so glad you came and we got to see you! I didn't know your sister was pregnant by the way...Congrats to her and on being an auntie again! Looks like you packed in tons of fun!