Sunday, May 20, 2012

For the Love of Birthdays: Meg

I hope you know that I remembered your birthday on Sunday, but due to distance I only have a measly blog post shout-out to give to you - I wish it were molasses cookies and Anthropologie dishes.

A good birthday needs three things...

ONE: Cake!

TWO: Balloons!

THREE: Self-Indulgence

I hope you had a great day!

...Oh, and for the little ones [click here] so cute...

Photos: Cakery, Belle and Bunty, NYTimes


  1. Thanks Mackenzie!! When I'm feeling better can I come to your house and you bake me a cake?! This pregnancy is killing my appetite! And if you're wondering where that package is that I said I was going to send was accidentally sent to my house! I blame Taylor, of course :) I was hoping to be able to see you the other weekend to give it to you in person, but it looks like I will be mailing it...again :) I'm glad you are liking Sunnyvale! Miss you guys.

  2. Meg! I will bake you anything - I love visitors. We might be making a Berkeley stop in the near future, maybe we can do lunch? I'll let you know. I hope you feel better soon!!! And don't worry about the package...I actually forgot until you mentioned it. It's the thought that counts, right? :)
